Against my will, I have decided to change the way I update my blog. While I liked the idea of having an analog journal, it is just too difficult to come across scanners where I am. So from this point forward, it's going to be text with images or photos thrown in when I'm feeling generous.
Since it has been a while since the last update, a quick rundown: I got to Thailand safely, about 3 weeks ago. I wasted no time in getting down to the island of Koh Tao where I was to meet my former-roommate-Steve for some freediving. We did that and it was fantastic. We learned to dive to 20 meters, or 65 feet, on a single breath of air. And we dove to shallower depths for extended periods of time.
My time as a full fledged tourist was a lot of fun, but I quickly realized what a toll it took on my finances. Since I was last in Thailand (2 years ago), the Thai baht strengthened and the dollar weakened, making what was once 20 dollars equal 30 dollars. Naturally, I didn't check how much I was really spending until I was well over my budget. So I had to come up with a quick plan to remedy my stupidity.
The plan: go to Laos. Laos is a country which borders Thailand on the north and east and has only been out of communism for a short time. It has a really interesting and sad history. It will be cheaper for me to live while I await my TEFL course in Thailand and it is also a really amazing place. My bus leaves in an hour for Vientienne, the capital city. I am not entirely sure where I'll go from there, but I'll keep you all updated.
For now, I'm off to have a bite to eat before heading out. Adios!